Tuesday 25 February 2014

Quito - Celebrating carnival

When you think of a South American carnival the first thing that would pop into your head is Rio! But in fact carnival is a continent wide celebration and you will find many cities, towns and village celebrating it in one way or another.

In Quito, the streets were packed with locals, all out enjoying the entertainment from local bands, the military brass band and street performers. What was really interesting is the other form of celebrating that I more than happily partaked in; foam fights.

Around the streets people are selling areosol cans packed with foam, and basically any person walking past you , you squirt them with some foam.

You'll also get cars driving down the street squirting you with foam whilst you walk down the pavement. It is such a very friendly enjoyable atmosphere.

The foam fun we found to be best is in the main plaza. Kids and adults alike are foaming anyone and everyone (with the exception of the police of course who are watching over the proceedings). There is a video on my YouTube channel of an ambush against me from all angles. Great fun!

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